A Ray of Sunshine for Seniors at Suduwalipotha

A Ray of Sunshine for Seniors at Suduwalipotha

11 Oct

A Ray of Sunshine for Seniors at Suduwalipotha

A much needed wheelchair was presented to the Community at Suduwelipotha by RukRakaganno on the 6th of October- 2021. Nine members of the Senior Citizens Society were present at the simple handing over Ceremony. Whilst the President of RukRakaganno spoke a few words the Seniors were immensely grateful in their acceptance speech ; a wheelchair had been a pressing need . On an overcast & wet day , the spanking new, red wheelchair was a “ ray of sunshine “ to the elders of Suduwelipotha. May it serve the best interests of the Community !

Ms Tanya Perera

By Ms Tanya Perera