Continuing Our Commitment to Ecological Reforestation

Continuing Our Commitment to Ecological Reforestation

09 May

Continuing Our Commitment to Ecological Reforestation

We are thrilled to announce some exciting developments in our ongoing reforestation efforts!

After successfully completing the ecological reforestation of Suduwalipotha by planting 19,000 wet zone forest plants across 70 different species — well beyond our original goal of 13,000 plants — we are pleased to share that the Forest Department has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with us to extend the reforestation period by another three years. This agreement was officially signed on March 25, 2024.

In addition to this achievement, we are proud to have partnered with Keells Hotels (Cinnamon Hotels Management Limited), who signed an MoU with us on May 20, 2024. Their support will fund the implementation of this extension, ensuring the continued success of our reforestation project.

We are also excited to collaborate with AIESEC in SLIIT. On May 23, 2024, we signed an MoU with them to host foreign undergraduates. These students will have the unique opportunity to gain hands-on experience in ecological reforestation and bee keeping for honey production at our two project sites.

Ruk Rakaganno

By Ruk Rakaganno

Ruk Rakaganno is a volunteer based, non-governmental organization founded in 1975 implementing hands-on projects to conserve nature and advocate to protect and conserve the environment.